Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17 Website Reflection

I liked building my website it was not that hard making it. I would use it again to make a website for like an event or something like that. My two favorite websites were Drake's and Jordan's. Drake's was very well laid out and looked very professional. Jordan's was very simple and easy to navigate.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4/25/17 Website Selection

No I have never made a website nor have I been on a website making tool. I have selected Wix because I think I have used it before. I am going to make a club about climate change awareness.

4/25/17 Survey reflection

Monday, April 17, 2017

4/17/17 app reflection

App Table

I did like this project because we were able to choose whatever app we wanted. It could be whatever we like and thought was interesting.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

4/13/17 Class Survey

Class Survey


I have never used Google Drive to make a form. I don't know what it means probably something to make a survey. I have no experience using survey-generating software.  

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


How often do you utilize applications "apps" on your phone/tablet to make your life easier or more convenient?  Can you imagine life without "apps"?  How would your daily life be different if "apps" did not exist? 

I use apps sometimes but not as often as most people. I have some apps that make my life easier like tracking my exercise and things like that. I could imagine my life without apps I mostly use them for when I'm bored. I don't think my life would be that different but I couldn't communicate with people the same way.

Monday, April 3, 2017


My weekend was good I did not really do anything but it was nice to relax. I did however ride dirt bikes with my dad which was fun. The rest of the weekend was pretty mundane I hung around the house. I am excited for this week though because it's my birthday Thursday and I am going to test drive a Tesla with my dad. In conclusion my weekend was nice and this week should be fun.

Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31/17 Current Event #4

link to current event

3/31/17 NCAA Reflection

What have you learned by competing in our class NCAA basketball competition? Had you filled out a bracket prior to this class?  Did you follow any of the games during the tournament out of curiosity?  What have you learned about Google Docs & Sheets by creating your bracket & spreadsheet with them?

I learned that a lot of people did not have Kansas going to the finals. I have never made a bracket before I have filled one out before but never made one. I did not follow any of the games because I don't like basketball or any sports for that matter. I have learned that excel and sheets are pretty much the same but sheets does not have as big of a page I had to make more rows. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017


 I never get out anymore & need ideas for great some movies or a TV Series to watch in my free time. What is the best movie(s) you have seen in the past year.  Is there a TV Series that I just HAVE to see? What is the genre of the movie(s) you are recommending (I don't like horror...). Convince me that your movie(s) and/or TV Series suggestions are ones that I should see immediately, but don't give the plot away.  GO! :-)

I would recommend the movie Passengers I enjoyed it a lot. I think the story is very good and is different form anything I have seen. However I think Passengers is the kind of movie you have to watch in theaters the music and sound effects are amazing and the sound systems in the theater make it a much better experience. It is a space orientated movie and takes place on a giant ship and everyone is supposed to be asleep you will have to watch it to figure out the rest. In the end I think Passengers is one of the best movies I have seen in the past year.    

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/21/17 Spring break

I had a very relaxing spring break and enjoyed it very much. I mostly just hung out at the house and had some friends over. My family also decided to get a new trampoline we had one before but it was very old so we got a new one. We got it and built it up and everyone loves the new trampoline. In the end I had a very relaxing spring break and wished it lasted a bit longer.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/2/17 feedback infographic

Provide me with a quick overview of the student Infographics you viewed for this assignment.  In your reflection to me, provide the student name & 1-2 things you liked/learned by looking at their infographic. Finally, did you enjoy this project?

Drake- I really liked his colors and I learned some facts that I have never heard of before.
Jordan- I liked how his whole thing came together and I learned how many more people liked coke more than pepsi.
Emilio- I really liked the simplicity of  his info graphic it was very easy to read and understand. 
Lauren- I leaned a lot about the gender gap it was very well put together and easy to follow.
kenneth- I learned about how much people spend on school shopping his info graphic was very easy to understand.

I did not enjoy this project that much because I have done them before and I didn't like it then. It is not that fun to me but I guess it's better than a paper.

Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27/17 infographic

What have you learned about Infographics?  Did you enjoy creating your own? (please explain). When might you use an Infographic in your school work, personal life, or other?  Which Infographic site did you use?  Was the site easy to navigate? Would you use it again or look for another site?

I have learned that info graphics can be used even in professional use. I did not enjoy making the info graphic I have made one before and didn't like it then. I feel like it is a lot of unnecessary work then just making a paper I would rather type a paper instead. I don't see myself making another info graphic unless a teacher assigned one. I used Picktochart to make my info graphic I think it was easy to use which is good. If I had to make another info graphic I would use Picktochart again I think it was the easiest to use and navigate. 


Thursday, February 23, 2017


An info graphic is a type of way to share information. They are used for spreading information in a fun way to get people interested in the topic. The best kind of facts in an info graphic are statistics. You want to capture the readers attention though with colorful displays and a fun way of presenting your information. Info graphics can help get your point across to an audience by capturing their attention. If you give the reader a research paper of something along those lines you could really lose their attention an info graphic will get their attention by presenting the information in a fun and easy to read way. A way I could use an info graphic in my classes is being able to find one about my topic and learn about it very quickly and easily. To sum it up an info graphic could be useful for captivating you readers attention with a good way to present your information. I have used info graphics before to learn information for a paper and I have always liked how they give me the information in a engaging way. In conclusion info graphics are very useful and are good at giving information to people without losing their attention.

ocean plastic problem info graphic

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


I like Lucid Press a lot better than Canva I think it was a lot easier to use an sign up. A pro of Lucid Press is being able to figure out how to use it very quickly. A con of Lucid Press is the plan documents that you have to use. A pro of Canva is you get more unique and exciting documents to use. A con of Canva is the user interface I think it was very confusing how to get things done. It took me a while just to figure out how to make a text box and type. The nicest documents for me were on Lucid Press I was able to upload pictures for making my own documents. The most free features were probably on Canva you got more templates to use there. Overall I like Lucid press a lot more than Canva overall experience and the user interface is important to me and Canva was lacking it was very difficult to use. Lucid Press in my opinion is much better than Canva.      

Thursday, February 16, 2017


If I could have a business it would be a store that sells video games and consoles. I be located here in Kansas and I would also have a website where you could buy goods to. I think it would be really fun to sell games and gaming devices it would be sort of like a Gamestop.

Business Card

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2/13/17 Canva Fun

I could uses this template for giving a presentation

I could use this as a Christmas card and print it off and send to relatives

 This template could be used as an informational text box to inform people

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13/17 Weekend

I did not go to Sweetheart, I did not attend the Southwest game, but I did go paint balling. I went paint balling with all my friends at Martin City Paint Ball. It was for Drake's birthday it was so much fun we gave him some welts on his back when we fired at him. Afterwards we went to Martin City Pizza and stayed there for a while it was a lot of fun. I am defiantly going paint balling with them again it was a lot of fun. I got shot a few times during the games but I also got four people it was a great time.
It is not as bad as on Saturday but this is a welt Drake got on his arm in has healed a lot since then

This is Ethan when we were at the pizza place

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/10/17 Current Event #2

Current Event #2

2/5/2016 - ET Course Reflection & Personal Report Card

  1. Do you have all of your assignments turned in?  If no, what is your plan for completing them?
  2. Are you receiving "5's" on all daily blog posts.  If no, what are you missing? (Fix what is missing & let me know when you would like me to re-grade your post)
  3. Check your Current Event score.  Did you receive a 10/10.  If not, open up your Current Event & determine what you are missing.  Now, explain to me what you omitted & how you will ensure you receive full points on the next current event.
  4. Overall, how do you feel you are doing in Emerging Technology class.  Is the class hard? easy? 
  5. What have you learned so far this semester that you did not know prior to class?

I have all my assignments turned in. I have two assignments that are a 4/5 I'm not sure what I did wrong I looked back on them and they looked good. I have a 9/10 in the current events because one of the 4/5's was the current event. I will put more effort into the current event next time, but I answered all the questions required and correctly for that matter so I'm not sure what happened. Overall emerging Tech isn't to hard of a class and I have learned about different social bookmarking platforms and different ways to present projects. I was hoping to learn about new upcoming tech a bit more though.

Report Card

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/9/17 Kids these days

Kids these days are disrespectful towards their elders. They wouldn't know quality family time if it slapped them in the face. Their music is terrible it is loud and disrespectful. Their technology it is to much they have their iPads and their fancy phones, back in my day you wanted entertainment with technology you would have to sit around the radio. They don't even have conversations anymore they text each other or snap champ or whatever it is. We need to go back to a simpler time when people talked to people and not their phones.

Monday, February 6, 2017

2/6/17 "Collaborating Remotely"

It wasn't hard working without talking. I would not want to do this on a regular basis but it was't that hard. I learned that there are many ways to communicate without actually talking to one another. For example typing in a shared google docs, or over text, or typing in the PowerPoint we were working on, or email, and many more. Overall there are many ways to communicate without actually talking to the person involved.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2/2/17 Pictures

I was about to go on a cruise on Allure or the Seas it was a great vacation

This is when I got my iPad Pro it was very exciting

This is when I got my bird he is awesome

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/30/17 Ted Talk reflection

link to video guide

I agree with the talk I think we are to connected with our devices in this day in age. I see people in rooms together on their phones rather then talking to each other. I will not change any of my current behaviors because I am already not that connected to my devices as where others need their phones I don't need mine as much as others. I think the advancement of technology is so fast that in the future human lives will revolve around technology.

1/31/16 Words for Teenagers

I agree with the letter and what it says. I think we should help out the world, get a job, and things like that. I also think that we can have fun once and a while no one is obligated to provide fun for us but we do not need to be working all the time. We can start acting more responsible but we don't have to all the time it is ok to relax every now an again. In conclusion I believe that teenagers should get out more and provide for their community, but we don't need to be active all the time.

Monday, January 30, 2017

1/23/17 Alpha Advice

A. Always be respectful
B. Be careful on work
C. Care about others
D. Do your best
E. Effort is key
F. Forgive others
G. Grades matter
H. Happines is good
I. Intelligence is key to success
J. Joy is helpful
K. Kindness is good
L. Live in the moment
M. Make your own future
N. No is not an answer
O. oppertunity is always out there
P. Prioritize your acedemics
Q. Quitting is not an option
R. Rely on yourself
S. Support is not always going to be there
T. Talking in class is not good
U. Undo your mistakes
V. Victory is out there
W. Winning isn't always an option
X. X-Axis is important in math
Y. Yelling in school is not acceptable
Z. Zipping through life is not good

Friday, January 27, 2017

1/26/17 current event reflection

  • Do you have a different understanding of Social Bookmarking after reading this article
  • Do you think social bookmarking is a helpful & beneficial tool
  • Did you learn about any new social bookmarking sites that you would like to start using?

I have a different understanding of social bookmarking I realize that although we don't use social bookmarking sites anymore we use social bookmarking more than we think we do. I think social bookmarking is a useful tool but it's not a life changer many people could live without it. I did not learn of any new social bookmarking sites that I would like to use because social bookmarking is not that important to me. I will most likely never use a social bookmarking site unless I absolutely have to. 

Current Event

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/26/17 Chrome vs. Symbaloo

Comparing Chrome and Symbaloo:

I like Chrome a lot better than Symbaloo because I just have to open up Chrome and all my bookmarks are right there. I don't like Symbaloo because I think it is a lot more work than it needs to be I ave to open up Chrome then go to the Smbaloo website and sign it. In addition Chrome is just overall more well known and people will go to Chrome because of its popularity and ow well known it is. Overall I think Chrome is a much easier system and I will definitely use Chrome over Symbaloo.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/24/17 social boomarking

Social bookmarking is when someone shares online documents. The purpose of social bookmarking is to make sharing documents online easier. I don't use any types of social bookmarking and I never have. I don't recommend any social bookmarking sites to anyone because I have never used any. I don't know how to use social bookmarks I have never used them before. I have learned though that just sharing a link over the web is a form of social bookmarking so that is the only thing I have done related to social bookmarking, sharing links over the web.

Friday, January 20, 2017

1/20/17 Prezi Reflection

Date: January 17 2017/ Prezi reflection

PowerPoint has been used for years so it comes as second nature to most. Prezi is a newer sharing site so some people will not know how to use it as well. Prezi is a good site and some things are easier to do there then on PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a lot easier to use but PowerPoint is a lot better in my opinion because I have used it for so long. I think in the future though Prezi will become the new PowerPoint and no one will be using PowerPoint anymore.

Finished Prezi