Thursday, February 23, 2017


An info graphic is a type of way to share information. They are used for spreading information in a fun way to get people interested in the topic. The best kind of facts in an info graphic are statistics. You want to capture the readers attention though with colorful displays and a fun way of presenting your information. Info graphics can help get your point across to an audience by capturing their attention. If you give the reader a research paper of something along those lines you could really lose their attention an info graphic will get their attention by presenting the information in a fun and easy to read way. A way I could use an info graphic in my classes is being able to find one about my topic and learn about it very quickly and easily. To sum it up an info graphic could be useful for captivating you readers attention with a good way to present your information. I have used info graphics before to learn information for a paper and I have always liked how they give me the information in a engaging way. In conclusion info graphics are very useful and are good at giving information to people without losing their attention.

ocean plastic problem info graphic

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