Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27/17 infographic

What have you learned about Infographics?  Did you enjoy creating your own? (please explain). When might you use an Infographic in your school work, personal life, or other?  Which Infographic site did you use?  Was the site easy to navigate? Would you use it again or look for another site?

I have learned that info graphics can be used even in professional use. I did not enjoy making the info graphic I have made one before and didn't like it then. I feel like it is a lot of unnecessary work then just making a paper I would rather type a paper instead. I don't see myself making another info graphic unless a teacher assigned one. I used Picktochart to make my info graphic I think it was easy to use which is good. If I had to make another info graphic I would use Picktochart again I think it was the easiest to use and navigate. 



  1. I liked that you used a lot of color on your infographic. I learned a lot of new facts about apple. I liked the graph about how apple uses it's money.

  2. I like the laid-backed color scheme, and the fact that you included the history of apple. I also really like the pictures you included.
