Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/30/17 Ted Talk reflection

link to video guide

I agree with the talk I think we are to connected with our devices in this day in age. I see people in rooms together on their phones rather then talking to each other. I will not change any of my current behaviors because I am already not that connected to my devices as where others need their phones I don't need mine as much as others. I think the advancement of technology is so fast that in the future human lives will revolve around technology.

1/31/16 Words for Teenagers

I agree with the letter and what it says. I think we should help out the world, get a job, and things like that. I also think that we can have fun once and a while no one is obligated to provide fun for us but we do not need to be working all the time. We can start acting more responsible but we don't have to all the time it is ok to relax every now an again. In conclusion I believe that teenagers should get out more and provide for their community, but we don't need to be active all the time.

Monday, January 30, 2017

1/23/17 Alpha Advice

A. Always be respectful
B. Be careful on work
C. Care about others
D. Do your best
E. Effort is key
F. Forgive others
G. Grades matter
H. Happines is good
I. Intelligence is key to success
J. Joy is helpful
K. Kindness is good
L. Live in the moment
M. Make your own future
N. No is not an answer
O. oppertunity is always out there
P. Prioritize your acedemics
Q. Quitting is not an option
R. Rely on yourself
S. Support is not always going to be there
T. Talking in class is not good
U. Undo your mistakes
V. Victory is out there
W. Winning isn't always an option
X. X-Axis is important in math
Y. Yelling in school is not acceptable
Z. Zipping through life is not good

Friday, January 27, 2017

1/26/17 current event reflection

  • Do you have a different understanding of Social Bookmarking after reading this article
  • Do you think social bookmarking is a helpful & beneficial tool
  • Did you learn about any new social bookmarking sites that you would like to start using?

I have a different understanding of social bookmarking I realize that although we don't use social bookmarking sites anymore we use social bookmarking more than we think we do. I think social bookmarking is a useful tool but it's not a life changer many people could live without it. I did not learn of any new social bookmarking sites that I would like to use because social bookmarking is not that important to me. I will most likely never use a social bookmarking site unless I absolutely have to. 

Current Event

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/26/17 Chrome vs. Symbaloo

Comparing Chrome and Symbaloo:

I like Chrome a lot better than Symbaloo because I just have to open up Chrome and all my bookmarks are right there. I don't like Symbaloo because I think it is a lot more work than it needs to be I ave to open up Chrome then go to the Smbaloo website and sign it. In addition Chrome is just overall more well known and people will go to Chrome because of its popularity and ow well known it is. Overall I think Chrome is a much easier system and I will definitely use Chrome over Symbaloo.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/24/17 social boomarking

Social bookmarking is when someone shares online documents. The purpose of social bookmarking is to make sharing documents online easier. I don't use any types of social bookmarking and I never have. I don't recommend any social bookmarking sites to anyone because I have never used any. I don't know how to use social bookmarks I have never used them before. I have learned though that just sharing a link over the web is a form of social bookmarking so that is the only thing I have done related to social bookmarking, sharing links over the web.

Friday, January 20, 2017

1/20/17 Prezi Reflection

Date: January 17 2017/ Prezi reflection

PowerPoint has been used for years so it comes as second nature to most. Prezi is a newer sharing site so some people will not know how to use it as well. Prezi is a good site and some things are easier to do there then on PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a lot easier to use but PowerPoint is a lot better in my opinion because I have used it for so long. I think in the future though Prezi will become the new PowerPoint and no one will be using PowerPoint anymore.

Finished Prezi